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Our Affordable Price Plans

Our affordable price plans start already from €175,00 where YOU can save money on doing some of the work yourself with a little help from us.

Choose your Plan!

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Price Plans – Summarized

Different budgets or different needs.

Do most yourself

Save money on doing most of the job yourself while we guide you and do the technical stuff.

  • We make the layout
  • We teach you how to add content
  • You add the content yourself
  • We guide you through the process
  • We do the technical stuff


Bring the content

You have your content ready and hand it to us so we put things in the way you like it and finish the job.

  • You bring the content
  • We make the layout
  • We put the content in
  • We do the technical stuff


Just watch


Tell us what your website should look like and

  • We will send you a quote
  • We will do all the work
  • You can just sit back and RELAX

Want to know more?

Send us a message and we can discuss anything you would like to know. No strings attached!

Detailed Price Plans

(*) Prices listed start from. We always quote first.

Our pricing policy

Quote before start

We alway quote YOU before the work commences. In this quote YOU will find the stages the process of building your website goes through and what YOU can expect from us and we from YOU, depending the package YOU have chosen.

Deposits before each stage

In the first stage we will build a draft design to show you the lay-out where there is some basic content in. You can still change the look and feel here up to three times. Work only commences once proof of payment for the first 25% deposit has been received.

In the second stage, the lay-out is fixed and we will work on getting the content in and finalize the website to a stage that it can be moved to your domain. Here you have to review the website and a maximum of three revisions is still possible. The second stage consumes most of the work and therefore requires a next 50%.

In the third and final stage, the website is on your domain and the final configuration with regards to integration will be completed. The last 25% needs to be paid.


Cancellation and refunds

YOU can cancel any next stage which is not commenced and there are no refunds on deposits already made.

Maximum revisions on final build

After every stage, the website gets more structured and changes might lead to reversing what already has been done. Setting a maximum of three revisions not only prevents us from spending hours on changing what already has been completed but also gives YOU a stimulans to get your plans sorted. After the third revision, additional charges will apply.

Additional work

When additional pages are added and it exceeds the allowed number of pages for the chosen website package, the website cost will be increased according to the next package cost.

  • Before pages are added which will incur additional costs, the client will be notified and asked for approval before the pages are added.
  • Once the number of pages have gone into a higher package on client’s approval, the cost will not be reduced if the client later requests those pages to be removed (since the work for adding them has already been done).

Custom coding

Everything that we need to add in CSS, PHP or MySQL is considered custom coding. 

There are a few customisations that we offer for free and will be quoted and decided on with YOU in the first stage.

Frequently Asked Questions

The only stupid question is the question that is never asked.

How do I know I am qualified for the Saver price plan?

That depends on your level of ambition.

We usually say that if you have some experience with (MS) Word, Powerpoint or (Apple) Pages, Keynote and Numbers to format text, you are good to go.

For the basic websites we prefer WordPress which comes with tools to format text and images.

That is why we help you prepare with the first items, included in the price.

What is a CMS?

Content Management System.

There are basically three (3) free for use CMS, all based on the Open Source Concept. With a CMS you can not only build a website but also manage the content like articles, posts and images.

WordPress is relatively easy to learn, Joomla has a steeper learning curve and Drupal is for more complex projects.

All of them are frameworks developed with (open source) PHP as programming language and MySQL as database.

Why is WordPress so popular?

Easy to learn, no programming skills needed to maintain content.

In the early days of the internet, WordPress  was designed (in 2003) for Bloggers. You can still find the basics like pages and posts in the current version.

It is by far the most (and ideal) used CMS for basic websites although some major businesses still use WordPress.

The downside of WordPress is the basic architecture what has led to the enormous  amount of plugins developed to add functionality. Every plugin is a dependency and needs updates.

The other CMS like Joomla and Drupal are both developed on a more robust framework but both have a much steeper learning curve.

Can I upgrade my old website?

Yes, you can. There are different ways.

That depends on how the website was built? If it was built with WordPress or Joomla, it is easy to convert but the question is how much content must be moved from one to the other?

If the website if, for example, less than 30 pages, I would not convert but copy the content. Most of the time the content (text and images) are outdated.

We can develop a new website on a different domain so your website stays online and can be used as input for the new one.

Once everything is ready, we move the new website to your domain.

What platform do you use for websites ?

We build all of our websites on the open-source Content Management System (CMS) platform called WordPress or with Joomla. The latter we generally quote for websites with over 20 pages and where managing content remains important.

WordPress is ideal for websites up to 10 pages, presentation of your business and creating a blog.

The difference between WordPress and Joomla is architecture. Joomla has build in functionality the move and manage content all over the website (modular) where WordPress uses pages and posts to manage content. WordPress is more flexible for small websites (< 10 pages) where Joomla requires a more sctructured approach and learning curve.

Can you help me with my website another web firm has built?

Yes we can but YOU have to realise that there might be issues of liability of multiple programmers touching the same code over time. We can always look into the site and give you our feedback.

The great thing of having an existing website is that YOU often already know what YOU want and what YOU don’t want anymore plus that the content is often already there. This makes it relatively easy to convert the existing website into a new one.

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4. Website maintenance

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